Sept/Oct 2006

                                                DHH using Sulston’s notebook & Lints’ notebook


This L4 male tail was lineaged prior to fixation for TEM, allowing Sulston to compare cell fates to known lineage positions within the developing tissues.  Many of the cell positions shown in Sulston et al. (1980) are derived from this animal (Fig’s 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 19, 20, 28).  At the time of fixation, cell divisions seem to be complete, and morphogenesis of male features is still underway, with features of ray formation caught “in the act”.  Note the developing fan cuticle is still confined within the L4 body cuticle at this stage.  All color codes date from the work by Sulston; a few labels were added by R. Lints to mark ray cell groups.




RAYS and lumbar neurons

[n.b.  there was an overlapping use of red numbers again for JSG’s ventral cord]

1          PHBR

2          PHAR

3          Phso1R

4          Rn8BR

5          Rn8AR

6          Rn9BR

7          Rn9AR

8          Rn9stR

9          Rn8stR

10        Left side neuron

11        PHBL

12        PHAL

13        PHso1L

14        PHshL           

15        PHso2L

16        PVQL?

17        PHshR

18        PHso2R

19        Rn9BL

20        Rn9AL

21        Rn9stL

22        Rn8BL

23        Rn8AL

24        Rn8stL

25        Rn7BL

26        Rn7AL

27        Rn7stL

28        Rn7BR

29        Rn7AR

30        Rn7stR

31        Rn5BR

32        Rn5AR

33        Rn5stR

34        Rn6BL

35        Rn6AL

36        Rn6stL

37        Rn4BR

38        Rn4AR

39        Rn4stR

40        Rn6BR

41        Rn6AR

42        Rn6stR

43        neuron process?

44        PVR?

45        Rn3BR

46        Rn3AR

47        Rn3stR

48        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

49        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

50        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

51        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

52        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

53        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

54        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

55        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

56        neuron in right lumbar ganglion

57        Rn5AL

58        Rn5BL

59        Rn5stL

60        Rn4BL

61        Rn4AL

62        Rn4stL

63        Rn3stL

64        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

65        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

66        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

67        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

68        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

69        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

70        neuron in left lumbar ganglion

71        neuron in left lumbar ganglion


73        Rn3BL

74        Rn3AL



1          neuron process running from dorsal cord into DRG


3          neuron process running from dorsal cord into DRG

4          dorsal cord process

5          dorsal cord process

6          PCAL                                                 C.plppd

7          PVX                                                    P12.aap

8          HOA                                                   P10.pppa

9          HOB                                                   P10.ppap

10        SPCL                                                 B.alpaap

11        SPVL                                                  Bb.lda

12        PCsoL  socket                                  C.plap

13        PCCR                                                B.alpaaa

14        PCBL                                                 C.plpa

15        PCshL sheath                                  C.plppv

16        PCh hypodermis                              C.plaa

17        SPso1L                                    

18        SPDL                                                 B.alpapaa

19        neuron process running in DRG

20        DX1/2                                                 F.lvda

21        SPso1R                                   

22        DX1/2                                                 F.rvda

23        EF1/2                                                 F.rvdp

24        EF1/2                                                 F.lvdp

25        K.p                                                      K.p

26        neuron in DRG

27        DVE                                                    B.ppap

28        neuron in DRG


29        DVF                                                    B.ppppa

30        ventral hyp                                        P10.papp

31        PVV                                                    P12.aap

32        PDC?                                                 P11.papa

33        hypodermal; then becomes PDA C.a

34        PVV                                                    P11.paaa

35        PVY                                                    P11.paap

36        PVS?

37        VD13                                        

38        DA9?

39        PGA?                                                 daughter of P11

40        SPshVL                                             Bb.ldp

41        SPso4L                                              B.alpapp

42        SPshDL                                             B.alpapap

43        SPso3L                                    

44        SPso2L                                              Ba.ld

45        hyp associated with left spicule

46        hyp associated with left spicule

50        SPCR                                                 B.arpaap

51        SPVR                                                 Bb.rda

52        SPDR                                                 B.arpapaa

53        PCsoR socket                                   C.prap

54        PCCL                                                 B.arpaaa

55        PCAR                                                 C.prppd

56        PCBR                                                 C.prpa

57        PCshR sheath                                 C.prppv

58        PCh hypodermis                              C.praa

59        SPso4R                                             B.arpapp

60        SPshDR                                            B.arpapap

61        SPshVR                                            Bb.rdp

62        SPso3R  socket                                Bb.rv

63        SPso2R  socket                                Ba.rd

64        hyp associated with right spicule

65        hyp associated with right spicule

66        right spicule (hyp?)

67        DX3                                                    E.raa

68        EF3                                                     E.rap

69        DA8

70        HOso  socket                                    P10.ppaa

71        hook epithelium                               P10.papp

72        preanal hyp                                       P10 daughter

73        HOsh  sheath                                   P10.ppppp


75        VA12                                                  P12.aaaa

76        neuron in PAG

77        DD6

78        PVT

79        VD12                                        

80        AS11                                                  P11.apa

81        VA11                                                  P11.aaaa

82        CA9 or CP9??                                  P11 daughter


1          proctodeum (epithelium)                B.pap

2          proctodeum (epithelium)                B.paa

3          proctodeum (epithelium)                Bd.r

4          proctodeum (epithelium)                Bd.l

5          proctodeum (epithelium)                B.arapaad

6          proctodeum (epithelium)                B.alapaad

7          proctodeum (epithelium)                F.rvv

8          proctodeum (epithelium)                F.lvv

9          proctodeum (epithelium)                Bg.ald

10        proctodeum (epithelium)                Bg.alv

11        proctodeum (epithelium)                Ba.arv

12        proctodeum (epithelium)                Ba.alv

13        proctodeum (epithelium)                Bg.arv

14        fused engulfing cell                        F.ld

15        fused engulfing cell                        F.rd

16        cells that will die                               Bg.ard or Bg.ald

17        proctodeum (epithelium)                B.pppa

18        proctodeum (epithelium)                B.ppppp

19        vas epithelium cells that will die  B.arapaav and B.alapaav

20        K.a                                                      K.a

21        gonad leader (linker cell) [is engulfed]

22        killer of linker cell                             E.rp

23        engulfer cell (fused)                        E.ra

24        engulfer cell (fused)                        E.lp

25        tail ventral hyp [2 nuclei]               

26        tail hyp anal ridge [4 nuclei]           hyp10, hyp9, hyp8

27        hyp12                                       

28        hook sensillum associated                        P11.ppap

29        hook sensillum associated                        P11.ppp

30        K’                                                        K’

31        recD  dorsal rectal gland

32        recL   left rectal gland

33        recR  right rectal gland

34        virL  rectal valve

35        virR  rectal valve

36        left set                                                            SET

37        right set                                              SET

38        right Y.p                                             R8.p

39        left Y.p                                                R8.p

40        right Z.p                                             R9.p

41        left Z.p                                                R9.p

42        hyp 11

43        right X.p                                             R7.p

44        left X.p                                                R7.p

45        right W                                               R5.p

46        left W                                                  R5.p

47        right U.p                                             R4.p

48        left U.p                                               R4.p

49        hyp7  right side                                 T.aa

50        hyp7 left side                                    T.aa

51        right S                                                            Rn.p?                                    

52        left S                                                   Rn.p?

53        Rn.p or hyp7?



Sex Muscles & Bodywall Muscles (N.B. same code as for N2Y)

 1         dorsal bodywall muscle

 2         caudal longitudinal muscle L

 3         caudal longitudinal muscle R

 4         ventral bodywall muscle?

 5         ventral bodywall muscle?

 6         dorsal bodywall muscle

 7         gubernacular erector L

 8         dorsal bodywall muscle

 9         gubernacular erector R

10        anal depressor muscle

11        dorsal spicule protractor L

12        dorsal spicule protractor R

13        ventral spicule protractor L

14        ventral spicule protractor R

15        dorsal spicule retractor L

16        dorsal spicule retractor R

17        ventral spicule retractor L

18        ventral spicule retractor R

19        posterior inner longitudinal L

20        anterior inner longitudinal R

21        posterior inner longitudinal R

22        anterior inner longitudinal L

23        U        

27        anterior outer longitudinal R

30        dorsal bodywall muscle

31        dorsal bodywall muscle

32        dorsal bodywall muscle

33        dorsal bodywall muscle

34        dorsal bodywall muscle

35        dorsal bodywall muscle

36        dorsal bodywall muscle

37        dorsal bodywall muscle

38        dorsal bodywall muscle

39        sphincter muscle                 generally not labelled

44        anterior outer longitudinal L

47        posterior outer longitudinal L

49        anterior oblique R

50        gubernacular retractor L

51        posterior oblique R

52        posterior oblique L

53        gubernacular retractor R

54        anterior oblique L

55        diagonal muscle R

56        diagonal muscle L

57        diagonal muscle R

58        diagonal muscle L

59        diagonal muscle R

60        diagonal muscle L

61        diagonal muscle R

62        diagonal muscle L

63        diagonal muscle R

64        diagonal muscle L

65        diagonal muscle R

66        diagonal muscle L

67        diagonal muscle R

68        diagonal muscle L

69        diagonal muscle R

74        posterior outer longitudinal R